As part of “Marking Our Tracks - Wellbeing Walks Further Afield” and Dan Thompson's Bedford Happy Send Us A Postcard Darling initiative children in Yr 1 worked with artist Carole Miles to produce postcards using recycled materials and stamps. Carole had been inspired by finding an unfinished piece of sewing from a very early project with the school in amongst her material stash.
Bedford happy was "A town-wide artwork, exploring how and why people are happy in Bedford. With badges, prints and other small artwork to collect across Bedford town centre."
The children had great fun talking and writing about what made them happy about being in Bedford. They loved exploring materials and making their mark, you can see the full set of cards here.
We're happy to report that Dan and Bedford Happy were really happy with our contribution "We've had some great mail art sent to the Bedford Happy studio here at Bedford Creative." and Johanne Hudson-Lette dropped Bedford happy badges and posters off at the school for the children.
All of the postcards created throughout the town were exhibited at Coffee With Art on Saturday 29th March.